Hexo Theme Fact

Fact is a simple but powerful theme for Hexo. It comes with integration of tags, categories, archive and table-of-contents. The style design is inspired by V2EX.

The theme is available on my Github as a public repository hexo-theme-fact.


I assume you already have a Hexo blog initialized.

cd /themes
git clone https://github.com/artchen/hexo-theme-fact.git fact

Don’t forget to modify _config.yml under root directory of Hexo blog. Change theme to Fact.

theme: fact


Some configuration can be found in _config.yml under the themes/fact directory.


cd /themes/fact
git pull


I used Futura for text, and Inconsolata for source code. Both of them are hosted on Typekit.

If you do not use Typekit, here are the necessary steps to switch to other services:

  1. In layout/_partial/head.ejs, delete the lines that include the typekit library, then include necessary files from your choice of web fonts (eg: Google Font).
  2. In source/css/_sass/style.scss, change the font macros to your choices.


Fact Screenshot